Die DSGVO zwingt Unternehmen dazu, genau zu überlegen, wo sie die Daten ihrer Nutzer speichern. Viele Firmen setzen auf US-basierte Software. Das Schrems-II-Urteil hat allerdings aufgezeigt, dass dies problematisch sein kann. Zwar gibt es aktuell ein Datenschutzabkommen, das den Datenaustausch mit den USA absichert, doch die Möglichkeit eines „Schrems III“ sorgt für Unsicherheit. Deshalb ist […]
Kategorie: Tools
I’m excited to share a chrome extension I’ve developed to enhance your experience with Google Server-Side Tag Manager and Google Analytics debugging. The extension, named sGTM – add X-Gtm-Server-Preview Header, offers two primary features designed to simplify your workflow: Why I Built this sGTM & GA4 debug helper I created sGTM because I was dissatisfied
Google Server-Side Tag Manager (sGTM) is a powerful tool that enhances tag management by offloading tracking scripts to the server. Google’s server-side tag manager centralises and streamlines tag management, offering enhanced website performance and improved data accuracy. This is a list of hosted sGTM providers, to help you getting a sGTM set up in no
Server-side Tag Manager as SaaS – a list of hosted providerRead More »
Welcome to our comprehensive list of web analytics tools, designed to offer alternatives or enhancements to Google Analytics and GA4. This curated collection features analytics tools from around the globe, making it easier for you to find the right fit for your web analytics needs. Featured Analytics Tools Here are the tools in our ever-growing
I often discover tools, but I often forget the URL when I need them. So I started this list, where I collect all tools I use, used, or probably going to use in future. Analytics Tools As this is an important category to me I created a dedicated page for that: Web Analytics Tools E-Commerce